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Wednesday, 17 February 2016


An animal registry is a central bureau where information concerning certain categories of animals is stored in a computer bank and made available to owners in various fashions.

Member clients provide details of their animals (breed, size, individual identification, lineage, age, sex and owner interests, such as sales, breeding or showing. The registry is not equivalent to official registration, but may lend a degree of "class" to animals (and members) that are listed.

Your customer benefit by having their animals listed (registered) -- its sort of a status symbol in registering their animals that may help increase their value.

The bigger your registry grows, the more of as status symbol it might become! Your primary service, however, is listing of animals, owners, events and sorts of information contained in the registry data files.

A computer is a must these days, but you don't need an expensive one to start with. Just make sure you get one with ample megabytes' on the hard disk and a good data base program. The minimum cost for an adequate setup, including programs should be in the $1000 range.

When people join your registry you send them form to fill out for animals they wish to register. There could also be provisions for herds or flocks or any information the owners feel is important. Since you can manufacture your own forms on your computer, you will be able to accommodate all of your clients.

The spaces in your forms hold information that equates to fields in your computer program, so the information can be typed in from the form and then sorted as needed.

The membership fee may include an initial group of animals to be registered, with additions being considered on an individual basis.. In return, you send out membership cards (for the owners) and a computer generated certificate of registration for each animal or group of animals ( a fancy printout of the information sent in by the owner).

members receive a monthly (or so) newsletter and/or listing, and may request specific information or listings at any time at any time (for a fee, of course). The newsletter has information about shows, results of contests, auctions and member comments, wants and a section for animals for sale.

Examples for one-time listings are Hereford Bulls for sale; red Dobermans listed or at stud, and owners of llamas or ostriches in the state. It takes only a few moments to obtain sorts of this type of information, so service can be fast and the price, reasonable. This information, however, can be extremely helpful to members.

There are many good reasons to register pets and stock animals: planning, breeding, selling, trading, consultation, etc. The information (data bank) is set up by animal and then breeds. It includes pedigree (if any), description, name (if applicable), owner interests, location plus anything else them member thinks should be noted, such as training or special markings.

Clients automatically receive an initial listing of the category in which their animals are listed and can order (and pay for) additional sorts of information at any time. Computer sorts can quickly find any information listed -- such as a 2 year old brindle female boxer for sale under $200, or a complete list of all longhorn bulls.

Other possibilities include lists of breeders (who handles what), specialized veterinarians, animal hospitals, burial facilities, special shows, sales and fairs of interest to the breeder.

Some breeders or suppliers would gladly pay to be included (advertise or just receive mention) in listings that are routinely sent to potential customers. Some might even pay to have their advertisements included in all mailings.

Fees are charged for membership (retainer) and for registration of animals. The individual animal registration fee should include disposition (note when it is sold or dies and retire the record), but not re-registration to a different owner.

The new owner would need to become a member to receive member benefits and continue the animals registration. Additional income is realized from sales of requested listings and sales of information to non-members.

One way to start an animal registration business is to set up your computer for listings of subjects of interest to your potential customers, as suggested above.

Then place ads in animal related publications and contact as many animal as you can. Offer an introductory price for listing their animals and for copies of information you have on file.

Of course, you won't have extensive listings at first, but you can supply these at a later (promised) date, after your bank has grown.

Be sure to give official listings certificates for each animal. Ideally, you should use at least 24 pin dot matrix printer, assuming you can't yet afford a laser jet. The certificates may not sound like it to you, but they ARE IMPORTANT -- they are "proof" of registration!

A cheaper alternative method is to work with a printer to provide commercially printed certificates that you fill out with a typewriter and sign with a flourish!

Be sure to display your registry name prominently in any case; date and sign each certificate.

Although you may be well versed in the subject, it is a good idea to subscribe to animal and breeder trade journals for the animals you list. This way you will stay current and always be in a position to plan your sales activities according to the needs of the industry.

For example, letting your clients know about forthcoming events that might affect them. This information is excellent filler material for your newsletters.

Alternative applications include compiling and renting specialized mailing lists, mailing out specialized information to your membership (which is a valuable special interest group), data bank searches, arranging meetings between interested parties, disseminating information on behalf of clients and offering technical books for sale.

Another interesting alternative is to keep total track of high value animals that are not eligible for purebred status.

An example word be Longhorn cattle, certain breeds of llama or ostrich -- where your registry could track the lineage and provide a unique and valuable service to breeders with large investments.

Possible problem area: be careful not to say or infer in your correspondence That animals listed in your service are registered purebreds - which might cause trouble.

You don't register the animal as a purebred, Democrat or Republication -- you simply make an official entry (anyone can use the word "register" so long as they don't intend to mislead.

With your register, you simply enter data about an animal or flock into YOUR records and provide statistical sorts of information to your clients.

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